Unemployment reserve fund financial audit - A 948; S 835
Universal service fund - A 923; S 788
U.W. Madison Medical school's Center for tobacco research and intervention - A 117; S 100
Vehicle emissions testing program in southeastern Wisconsin
 - A 768; S 637
W-2 (Wisconsin works) - A 20, 191; S 15, 150
W-2 (Wisconsin works): follow up report - A 944; S 830
WHA radio - A 67, 709; S 47, 593
WHA television - A 67, 710; S 47, 593
Wisconsin educational communications board radio and television networks - A 948; S 835
Wisconsin lottery - A 140, 869; S 118, 734
Wisconsin public broadcasting foundation, incorporated - A 566
Wisconsin retirement system - A 382; S 363
legislative council Legislative council
General report of the Joint legislative council - A 374, 940; S 268, 825
Legislation and petition to Wisconsin Supreme court on guardians ad litem in actions affecting the family (RL 01-04) - A 265; S 210
Legislation on arts funding (RL 01-02) - A 260; S 200
Legislation on conservation laws enforcement (RL 01-09) - A 278; S 220
Legislation on dental care access (RL 01-05) - A 246; S 194
Legislation on developmental disabilities (RL 01-07) - A 479; S 429
Legislation on developmental disabilities (RL 01-15) - A 610; S 531
Legislation on developmental disabilities (RL 01-16) - A 673; S 575
Legislation on discipline of health care professionals (RL 01-11)
 - A 300; S 244
Legislation on recodification of operating while intoxicated and safety laws pertaining to motor vehicle, ATV, boat or snowmobile operation
(RL 01-01) - A 559; S 495
Legislation recommended by the Special committee on condominium law review (RL 01-12) - A 731; S 604
Legislation recommended by the Special committee on labor shortage
(RL 01-08) - A 407; S 384
Legislation recommended by the Special committee on state-tribal relations (RL 01-03) - A 188; S 143
Legislation recommended by the Special committee on state-tribal relations (RL 01-14) - A 665; S 575
Legislation recommended by the Special committee on the historic building code (RL 01-06) - A 205; S 161
Legislation recommended by the Special committee on use of prescription drugs on children (RL 01-10) - A 562; S 495
Rules clearinghouse: annual report - A 208, 808; S 164, 652
long term care, council on Long term care, Council on
Annual report - A 266; S 210
medical college of wisconsin Medical college of Wisconsin
Biennial report - A 175, 673; S 138, 580
milwaukee public schools Milwaukee public schools
Four-year-old kindergarten report - A 569
High/scope all-day five-year-old kindergarten program and high/scope first grade program - A 564; S 487
Pupils transferred outside their attendance area without written consent: statistics on - A 208, 868; S 165, 734
Revised fiscal impact report - A 569
Student mobility report - A 569
natural resources, department of Natural resources, Department of
Dry cleaner environmental response fund program evaluation
 - A 569; S 495
Environmental cooperation pilot program report - A 432, 550, 939
Environmental cooperation pilot program report - S 398, 467, 823
Environmental improvement fund biennial finance plan - A 152, 398, 935
Environmental improvement fund biennial finance plan - S 131, 378, 805
Future of waste management - A 34; S 41
Lake sturgeon: background information and regulatory options - A 18
Wildlife damage abatement and claims program - A 266, 875
Wildlife damage abatement and claims program - S 210, 742
Wisconsin environmental policy act report - A 382, 916
physical disabilities, council on Physical disabilities, Council on
Annual report - A 25, 939; S 25, 825
private employer health care coverage board Private employer health care coverage board
Annual report - A 18; S 14
public defender Public defender
Biennial report - A 808
public instruction, department of Public instruction, Department of
Alcohol and other drug abuse grant distribution, training, and education programs in Wisconsin school districts 2000-2002 - A 943, S 830
Alcohol and other drug prevention strategies used in schools - A 179; S 143
Inter-district public school open enrollment program - A 452
Knowledge and concepts examinations bound report for grades 4, 8, and 10
 - A 941; S 826
Preschool-to-grade-5 (P-5) evaluation reports - A 116, 727; S 100, 604
Professional standards council for teachers: list of nominees - S 798
Status of bilingual-bicultural education programs - A 399; S 379
Youth to youth: an evaluation of state AODA funded peer programs in Wisconsin 2001-02 - A 943; S 830
public service commission Public service commission
Annual report - A 382, 930, 932; S 370, 795
Horizontal market power in Wisconsin electricity markets - S 14
Wisconsin Energy Corporation - A 822
racial profiling, task force on Racial profiling, Task force on
Report, findings, and recommendations - A 106; S 93
regulation and licensing, department of Regulation and licensing, Department of
Controlled substances board: annual report - A 298, 947; S 241, 835
revenue, department of Revenue, Department of
Lottery operations impact: biennial report - A 572; S 490
Lottery quarterly report - A 202, 516, 578, 825, 935
Lottery quarterly report - S 24, 153, 457, 504, 679, 807
"Partnercare" program enrollment card distribution - A 516, 937; S 447
Use-value assessment of agricultural land - A 407
Wisconisn property assessment manual - S 380
revisor of statutes bureau Revisor of statutes bureau
Rules published in the Wisconsin Administrative register - A 13, 66, 120, 183, 214, 270, 373, 386, 407, 515, 571, 632, 817, 840, 868, 881, 915, 926, 936, 941
Rules published in the Wisconsin Administrative register - S 64, 106, 139, 165, 211, 245, 269, 281, 381, 438, 475, 496, 544, 595, 668, 690, 730, 763, 778, 789, 801, 820, 827
Small business, veteran-owned and minority business opportunities, Council on, see Administration, Department of
southeast wisconsin professional baseball park district Southeast Wisconsin professional baseball park district
Miller Park final progress report - S 420
Miller Park monthly progress report - A 19, 67, 117, 176, 209, 271
Miller Park monthly progress report - S 13, 40, 100, 139, 156, 210